See more details 3293 mgKg and manganese manganese Subject Category. Introduction Cola nitida Vent Schott et Endl family Malyaceae is a tree na-tive to the rainforest of tropical West Africa.
The results show that C.

Chemical composition of cola nitida. The presence of other chemicals in kola nuts such as kolanin and theobromine also. Chemicals and Chemical Groups see more details 6853 mgKg. 10 Its presence in the Cola nitida seed may be contributory to the application of the seed in the manufacture of soft drinks.
I To carried out qualitative analysis on the water and methanol extracts of Cola nitida and Cola acuminate. Nitida as an alternative host plant. And Cola acuminata are the most common species used.
Preliminary studies of phytochemicals in kola nut indicate the presence of various constituents. Chemical composition and potential commercial uses of kola nut Cola nitida Vent. Melegueta 718 and 2.
Iii To compare the parameters interms of their content inthe two species. The factors that favour the production of aflatoxins especially by Aspergilus flavus include 85 relative humidity 9-32 moisture content of the substrate and high temperature with 250C to 320C favouring the maximum production of aflatoxins. The proximate results showed that the moisture content of Cola acuminata and Cola nitida were in the range of 973-981 ash 272-221 fat 302-220 protein 1914-1524 crude fiber 730-418 and carbohydrate 5809 6645.
Free and total amino acids were separated and quantified by HPLC. Protein and ash contents were highest in A. Twenty five microlitre of Folin-Ciocalteus reagent 50 vv was added to 10 l of 1 mgml wv of the nuts extract dissolved in solvents.
Through the obtained results we can say that Cola nitida s bark contains many secondary metabolites dominated by polyphenol compounds. These specieCola s are sources of caffeine in processing and pharmaceutical industries and often chewed by some ethnics group set-tings as stimulants 10. Moss IndexChemical compound Cola nitidas bark Alkaloids Tannins Saponosides MI 167 Anthocyanins Flavonoids Steroids Triterpenes Coumarin Reducing compound Glycosides Cyanogenic derivate Ethanol Ethyl acetate.
J Explor Res Pharmacol 2017236777. Mg Na K and P were higher in values in Cola acuminataand therefore can serve as a better source for such minerals. Maltol a naturally occurring organic compound is primarily used as a flavour enhancer.
Have been found also on C. Rain forest Cola nitida 9. Nitida has the highest moisture crude fat and crude fibre contents of 664 571 and 713 respectively.
05082009 Both types of seed have comparable values for dry matter crude protein ether extract and carbohydrate. The proximate composition and the mineral content of three 3 traditional snacks kolanut Cola nitida bitter kola Garcinia cola and alligator pepper Afromomum melegueta were evaluated. Nitida to 25.
Mean Total Aflatoxins content of Cola nitida Samples Well Carrier position Standard Absorbance Concentrationμgml _ 1 Standard 1 003 021001 2 Standard 2 029 140012 3 Standard 3 026 202006 4 Standard 4 019 403071 5 Standard 5 012 1007116 6 Standard 6 007 2001094 7 Dried Red 009 1283235 8 Damped Red 074 1554102 9. Protein content of the three kola nuts ranges from 495 G. Nitida has the highest moisture crude fat and crude fibre contents of 664 571 and 713 respectively.
The results show that C. Chemical Analyses Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Extracts from Cola nitida Seed. Mineral composition was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry method.
Table 1 1Phytochemical composition of Cola nitidas bark powder. Kola to 1064 C. Which is up to three times higher than in the same amount of coffee beans.
ABSTRACTThe chemical composition of Cola nitidaand Cola rostadapods and seeds showed average moisture content of 8175 whereas the seeds had an average of 5460. The cacao pests Sahlbergella spp. Cola also recorded the least content of all minerals except K and P which were absent in A.
Ii To quantify the identified secondary metabolites in i above through quantitative phytochemical screening. Caffeine 235 theobromine 1025 theophylline. The proximate composition and the mineral content of three 3 traditional snacks kolanut Cola nitida bitter kola Garcinia cola and alligator pepper Afromomum melegueta were evaluated.
The presence of those compounds confers to C. Infest is Cola nitida Kola Nut which is commonly eaten by people in the tropics including Nigeria. After incubation 5 mn at room temperature 25 l of 20 wv sodium carbonate Na 2 CO 3 and water were added to a final volume of 200 l per well.
Analytical pyrolysis experiment showed caffeine as the major constituent of Cola nitida. It also contains theobromine which is not only stimulating it also promotes good mood and relieves stress. The main active ingredient of Cola nitida is the stimulant caffeine which is contained in 2-4.
11 Composition and Uses of Kola Nut Kola nut. Nitida has the highest content of potassium 348467 mgKg and phosphorous 41143 mgKg. High levels of crude fibre and total ash were observed in Cola acuminata.
Crude protein ranged from 960-1191 for the pods and 1050-11-91. Acuminata whereas fat content ranges from 02. While seeds are liable to worm attack the wood is subject to borer attack.
Cola acuminate has more protein content ash and fat than Cola nitida. Manganese was not detected in. The seed or nut com-.
Nitida s bark through the ethanol and the ethyl acetate. Cr was not detected in both samples.
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